Tag Archives: drugs

Down The Rabbit Hole..

I remember the night well. It was June 27th, 2005. Lexi was bringing me to a party, but I didn’t truly realize what we were doing. It was a house rave and we were doing plenty of ‘E’. We used … Continue reading

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Emo much?

It’s been a while, sorry about that, I’ve been extremely focused on work which has been going quite well! Anyways, on with the tragedy.. I started cutting more often, always on my thighs at first, but then I moved to … Continue reading

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Love & Other Drugs

Well I had a pretty good holiday, spent the time baking and cooking with my grandmother.. Hope everyone else enjoyed theirs as well! So I was now deflowered, to go all medieval on you. I was quite taken with sex, … Continue reading

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A Whole New World

Man do the holidays ever keep you busy! I’m writing this on my way to work, probably finish it at work haha.. So I was forced to go to high school, because grade 9 is when high school started out … Continue reading

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Stay in drugs, don’t do school.

Living with my Aunt Bev and Uncle Antonio was different to say the least. First of all, I moved in the same room as my youngest cousin Alexandria, Lexi for short. There was also my two older cousins, both boys, … Continue reading

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Coma White

All the drugs in this world, won’t save her from herself

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