Tag Archives: bullying

A Whole New World

Man do the holidays ever keep you busy! I’m writing this on my way to work, probably finish it at work haha.. So I was forced to go to high school, because grade 9 is when high school started out … Continue reading

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Oh boo hoo, your life is so bad eh? Grew up with two normal parents? Have like 3 different sets up grandparents, as well as multiple siblings who you know? Don’t have to work cause you are just so stressed … Continue reading

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Poisonous words infect your brain. Hateful words bring you down. Why do people insist on being so mean? What do they think they are going to gain from it? You end up being like an infection that people just can’t … Continue reading

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Last night was one of my room mates birthday party. We had plenty of people over and it was good times or so I thought. My room mate helped me get to my room and change because I was especially … Continue reading

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