Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll

So, one night at YouthQuest, I was talking to Shayla, whining about how I didn’t have a boyfriend, since I had broken up with Ryan 4 months earlier. So she suggested introducing me to her brother.. right away! We hopped in her friends car, and drove to a skate park in the next town, however it was only like a 20 minute drive. Now, when we got there, my eyes were only for one person. Boy, was he a hottie to me.. However, he wasn’t my friends brother. His name was Mikhail, and he was Russian, and I also met a bunch of other people, including his older brother, Roman. Surprisingly to me, Mikhail seemed interested! I never had anyone return interest in me, what could be going on (is what was going through my head), however I was ecstatic.

So one night, Mikhail invited me over, and we got hot and heavy making out. My cousin Lexi found out and flipped. She was so sure he would hurt me in some way, and ended up coming and forcing me to leave his place at 2 AM. The buses weren’t running at that time, so we ended up sleeping in the bowl of the same skate park that I had originally met him at. What a fun night that was, sleeping on the cold hard concrete!

This would be our bed for the night

This would be our bed for the night

After that incident, my cousin stopped trying to protect me, and Roman, Shayla, (who were kinda dating at the time), and Mikhail introduced me to a world I never imagined I would be a part of.

I remember the ‘consummation’ of our mutual friendships. We had a big ol foursome at Roman and Mikhail’s house. More like all three of them decided to use me as their playtoy at the same time. I think about it now and can’t believe I actually did that, but hey, we are all kids, who make interesting decisions at one point in our lives. They also introduced me to every drug.

It started with coke. As they say, weed is they gateway drug, or in my case I think of it as being the ‘E’ that I had tried only, what, 2 weeks before hand? We would all hang out at Shayla’s, doing all sorts of things, smoking weed, waiting for some money for some more harsher drugs. Now Roman pretty much acted as Shayla’s pimp. She would set up a message on those phone services you always see on TV. A guy would come to the house, all us ‘kids’ would hide in a room, and about 20 minutes later, the guy would leave, and we would come out, and we would call the drug dealer to come give us drugs.

Mmmmm... Drugggsss

Mmmmm… Drugggsss

My mom was still going meth at the time, and we seemed to have a better relationship since I moved in with me aunt. So one day, she phoned me up, asked if I knew where to get some. I asked Roman, and low and behold, no problems! We were able to get my mom her drugs. As a thank you, she gave Roman some, and that would be how I tried that wonderful drug for the first time, courtesy of my mom. It’s interesting how the world works, isn’t it?

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