A Whole New World

Man do the holidays ever keep you busy! I’m writing this on my way to work, probably finish it at work haha..

So I was forced to go to high school, because grade 9 is when high school started out in the city. Half the school year was already gone too, so I was coming in the middle which is no fun, but I also had to take all my academic courses in one semester. I personally didn’t think it was a big deal, but all the teachers thought it was gonna be tough.

Little did they know how smart I was

Little did they know how smart I was

My cousin Lexi went here too, she was just in 10th grade, but we had the same lunch time, as well as her friend Anton. We would all meet up, go into the woods by the school and smoke weed everyday. Then we would just goof off til next class.

It was pretty chill at school until the day I came with purple hair. Both myself and Lexi dyed our hair purple, turned out a tinge blue but mainly purple. It was the first time I had done a funky color. A bunch of the girls started calling me a peacock. Like really? A peacock? Couldn’t you come up with something more insulting? My one friend from school really liked it, we were both the odd balls, into rock music, ‘goth’ stuff, vampires and whatnot haha.

Think just a shade more blue and that would be my hair then

Think just a shade more blue and that would be my hair then.. and makeup

As I mentioned before, outside of school Lexi and I would go hang out with her oldest brother Johnny, who was dating a girl named Krystal, where they pretty much lived together. This is where I would see my boyfriend, as well as some other friends. Now, everyone was so nice to me here, and I wasn’t used to it, so I ended up having a crush on every boy who walked in the door, just because they would be nice to me. The funny thing is, in Chilliwack, people weren’t really nice to me, maybe because I’m a bit bigger than others, or because I do come off as having an attitude until you speak with me. I don’t know I just have a look I guess!

Anyways, we would smoke weed, watch movies, etc etc., then THE night happened. That’s right folks, I lost my virginity. I was sleeping over at Krystal and Johnnys’ house with my boyfriend Ryan, and we were cuddling in the living room alone. Heavy petting, making out, all that wonderful stuff. Now my boyfriend really wasn’t the smartest guy in the world, I was way past him in maturity despite him being almost 4 years older. He pulls out a condom and kind of has this question on his face, asking me if I want to. Finally after thinking it over for 5 minutes I said ‘no’, just no. I wasn’t ready. However, he took that to mean no to the condom, and proceeded to try and screw me without one. I was so shocked and taken aback, that I started loud whispering ‘condom condom!’

Necessary for coitus

Necessary for coitus

And that’s how I lost my virginity. A misunderstanding.

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