Going back..

So I realized that I jumped the gun before, there’s much more that happened while I was still in middle school and I feel like I need to elaborate more on that before I continue forward…

After going to the new middle school, and restarting grade 7, I of course got to reconnect with Lynn and Nicola, while also making new friends, one being a boy named Peter. Peter and Nicola happened to be friends, however Nicola had a bit of a crush, which made her instantly hate me all of a sudden because Peter asked me out. I asked Nicola if it was OK if Peter and I went out, and she gave the passive aggressive answer of “I don’t care, do what you want” and walking off, so… I had my first real boyfriend.

Making out was the rage then, wasn't it?

Making out was the rage then, wasn’t it?

I remember our first date. His mom came and picked me up, and we sat in the back of her station wagon holding hands on our way to the theater. We saw Precinct 13 with Steven Segal. Afterwards, his mom drove us home, he walked me to my back door and he kissed me. He got me a Christmas present of a little butterfly box, and put a belly button piercing in it, because I had just gotten my first taste of body modification by getting it done.

Hello introduction to body modification, it sure is nice to meet you!

Hello introduction to body modification, it sure is nice to meet you!

Then the drama happened. Peter had a younger brother named Kyle, and I had another friend by the name of Nikita. Peter called me one night to break up with me, saying he was doing it because I cheated on him with his brother. First of all, his brother was like 2 years younger than us, and that was just ew then. Secondly, he was simply ew. But Peter would not listen to a word I said. Nikita was there for me through the whole thing. I was very upset, very distraught over it, but she would spend time with me almost every day which was a help.

It was the spring of grade 7 that I started going to counselling for the first time, where I met some good people, specifically I met a boy named Andrew, who was super nice, but definitely not my type for dating. After counselling ended mid summer, we didn’t really keep in touch until the beginning of grade 8, and shit really started to hit the fan.

Not quite that literal...

Not quite that literal…

Nikita met Andrew when he started going to our school and was instantly in major like, as we would call it. It turned into a love/hate relationship for over 2 months, which is eons in teenager time. During this time is when Nikita confessed to me that Peter actually cheated on me while we were dating.. And it was with her. I have always been an understanding and forgiving person, however if my best friend told me that now, I would probably slap the fuck out of them. But only slap cause a true beating you would have to do something much worse. So we hugged it out and just moved on after I had a couple days to process.

Meanwhile, I had my first real sexual experience with Andrews best friend, James. Everyday after school, the four of us would walk home, because myself, Andrew, and James all lived right next to each other, but Nikkita would come along to hang out. I remember one afternoon we were all walking home, and Andrew claimed my right boob, while James claimed the other. Oh teenage boys.

First sexual experience, right! So James and I were hanging out and we went to a huge park by where we lived, we lay under the stars on a blanket… And I have my very first blow job. I was so into him, and so happy! However.. The next day it was like a didn’t exist of course. Typical I know now, but being the extremely naive person I was, it was very damaging to the already low self esteem I had. When it became apparent I was moving out of town, Nikita gave me a poem she wrote entitled ‘The Player’, which I still have to this day.

Nutritious and delicious, tastes just like chicken!

Nutritious and delicious, tastes just like chicken!

NOW I think I’ve covered the major stuff however I may have to come back to this time AGAIN before moving on to city life further…

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