Monthly Archives: December 2012

Bittersweet New Years

Happy New Years, everyone. I hope it’s everything you wanted and more. I feel very melancholy about today. Maybe it’s because of all the bad shit that happened over the past year. I know I should go out with my … Continue reading

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Love & Other Drugs

Well I had a pretty good holiday, spent the time baking and cooking with my grandmother.. Hope everyone else enjoyed theirs as well! So I was now deflowered, to go all medieval on you. I was quite taken with sex, … Continue reading

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Eyes on Fire

One more word and you won’t survive

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Lividly crying

Have you ever been so angry you want to break everything in sight, but at the same time crawl into a corner and cry until you die? That’s how I feel right now. If it was just one thing that … Continue reading

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Girl From The North Country

This is like my theme song

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A Whole New World

Man do the holidays ever keep you busy! I’m writing this on my way to work, probably finish it at work haha.. So I was forced to go to high school, because grade 9 is when high school started out … Continue reading

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Enter the Ninja

I am your butterfly, I need your protection, be my samurai

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Going back..

So I realized that I jumped the gun before, there’s much more that happened while I was still in middle school and I feel like I need to elaborate more on that before I continue forward… After going to the … Continue reading

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