Middle School Confidential

Going into grade seven, what fun. It turns out that the younger sister of the girl who beat me up, was in my home room. I stayed in school for about 4 months before my mom let me drop out. I was too afraid to go there, fear of getting beat up again, and I just hated it there. After getting the shit kicked out of me, it’s safe to say my self confidence and ability to socialize with people dropped dramatically.

I spent the rest of that school year lying on the couch reading. Mainly Harry Potter.

Harry Potter ain’t got nothing on Buffy…

I restarted grade seven the next year at a new middle school, where all my old school mates were, including Lynn and Nicola, except they were all in grade eight, whereas I was in the lower grade. Needless to say, I needed to make new friends. That year was for the most part drama free, except for a guy liking me instead of Nicola, which of course caused tension between us, and a couple of boys decided it would be fun to steal my backpack and piss on it. There was also the time I got sent to the principal’s office because I was wearing ‘provocative’ clothing. Now, when I developed boobs, it was like instant boobs overnight. I was wearing comfy sweatpants, a tank top, and an over shirt, one of the button up ones. We were in an assembly sitting on the bleachers, and I was leaning over, my elbows resting on my knees. Supposedly it looked like my boobs were falling out of my shirt. The principal called my mom for her to come pick me up because students just can’t be dressed this way >_>. The best thing happened. My mom sent her friend to pick me up, who showed up in a belly top, short skirt, and high ass hooker heels. The looks on the faces of the office staff were priceless… It’s not a young girls fault her fucking boobs happened to grow faster than everyone else’s’ did!

This would be me in middle school

Summer came and went, and then I was in the 8th grade. And boy did I ever work hard. I made sure I had 100% in every class I had. While this was going on, my mom had a plan for us to move in with her boyfriend that was just getting out of jail. She gave notice to our landlord at the beginning of the month, and when it came to him getting out, he disappeared (what a surprise!). I didn’t know it at the time, but my mom had gotten into drugs, and we couldn’t find a new place to live. My brother went to live with his dad in the city, and I ended up moving in with my Aunt Cora at her place for the time being, which was totally fine with me because me and Lynn just got to hang out more.

My mom let me drink sometimes, a glass here and there, and I was starting to realize exactly what my mom did the majority of the day. About two weeks after this all happened, Grandma, Mom, and myself went out to visit my Aunt Bev and Uncle Antonio. It was there that I let it be known how unhappy I was, I didn’t have a stable place to live (Aunt Cora’s was a temporary situation) and that my mom had allowed me to drink and such. It was just a matter of a week before I was living with my Aunt Bev and Uncle Antonio in the big bad city….

Watch out city, here I come…

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