
Oh boo hoo, your life is so bad eh? Grew up with two normal parents? Have like 3 different sets up grandparents, as well as multiple siblings who you know? Don’t have to work cause you are just so stressed and your boyfriend supports you? OK yes, your grandfather is sick, but you have had time to see him, however you whine and say there’s no way to go there? How about you try growing up with a drug addicted mother, no father, who knows how many siblings you have because of him, so you have to watch what boys you kiss cause hey, they may be your brother. Try supporting someone other than just yourself. I only had two days, two fucking days, before my grandfather was gone from the time we knew it was time. You blow every little thing out of proportion if its not part of your plan. You belittle the people around you, and make everyone upset just because you yell for no reason! You talk about being mature and grown up, but look at you! Seriously, how can you think it’s OK to treat people the way you do? I haven’t felt so degraded since I was 14 years old, that’s almost 10 years! Who the hell do you think you are? I have thought about killing myself once per day for the last four months because of the way you make me feel. Like I’m worthless and it’s not like anyone would even care that I’m gone. However, I would never do it. May think about it, but won’t do it. Cause I’m stronger than you’ll ever be.

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