
Poisonous words infect your brain. Hateful words bring you down. Why do people insist on being so mean? What do they think they are going to gain from it? You end up being like an infection that people just can’t get rid of, cause they happen to be too nice to tell you to fuck off. There are so many things I wish I could say, but I’m not that kind of person. I’m not like you. People actually value my friendship. If only you knew what people actually thought about you. I’m not the only one that has been put off by behavior that you have exhibited. You need to learn how to treat people right, it’s a surprise you still have the friends you do, however we know the only reason you have some of them is because of who you are fucking. I’m working on extracting myself from your venomous presence, I can only hope you won’t bring someone less strong than me down.

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