When you were young

So I have to rewrite a bunch of stuff cause the internet decided to refresh after I had gotten three paragraphs done! Well 😛 to you! Anyways…

I don’t remember much before the age of three, but I was told a LOT about my life then. I was supposed to be born early to mid August, but ended up coming out on September 2nd 1989, at 12:40 AM at Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminster. My grandparents came in the afternoon the same day to meet me, and my grandfather did something that my mother had never seen in her 21 years of life; he cried. Now, let me paint a picture of Grandpa for you. He is a large man, think Santa large, also think Santa for his facial hair, huge bushy beard and mustache. He also made a living as a trucker (as well as other nondescript things that I even now know little about), and no one messed with my grandpa. So for my mom (high off the drugs from the epidural) this was the funniest sight she could have seen at that point in time; her father crying over her 12 hour old baby girl.

Hello Grandpa's work truck

Hello Grandpa’s work truck

Needless to say, Grandpa cared a lot about family, he was the kind of guy who didn’t care whether you were blood, wine, or water; family is family. I was not the first grandchild though. My grandma had a husband before my grandpa, who sadly passed away, but not before giving my grandma a happy healthy baby girl named Beverly. My grandpa adopted Bev as his own of course, and then they had two children of their own, another girl (my mom), and a boy (my Uncle Ed). So far, Uncle Ed has had no kids, but my Aunt Bev had 3 kids with her husband Antonio; 2 boys and a girl, all born before me. However, I was the only grandchild he cried over, and I think that even though he held high ideals about family, there’s just something about your own flesh and blood producing their own flesh and blood that you can’t help but be moved by.

We lived in Vancouver (where my mother grew up) for about three months before moving to Chilliwack, which is kind of a funny story. My grandparents were planning on moving to Chilliwack and my mother was staying right where she was, slightly out of stubbornness. My grandmother did the sneakiest thing though; She told my mother that Grandpa wanted her to move with them (made it sound like he would miss his daughter and granddaughter wayyy to much), and in turn, told Grandpa that Mom wanted to move with them because she didn’t want to do it (take care of me) on her own.

Low and behold, my mom moved to Chilliwack with me grandparents to an area called Fairfield Island. There is where I spent the next 3 years of my life, which I don’t remember any of, but look at how damn cute I was!

Ain’t I just the cutest thing?

Because I lived in Chilliwack, I got to become lifelong friends with my second cousin Lynn. She was born exactly a week and 2 days earlier than myself, so we spent a lot of time together. This is where I have to explain my family a little bit. So, there’s my great grandpa and great grandma who had 6 children; my grandpa (the oldest), my great Uncle Robert, my great Uncle John, my great Uncle Sean, my great Auntie Brianne, and my great Auntie Cara (the youngest). To say I have a big family is an understatement! My great Aunt Cara had 3 kids at the time; Mercer, Jessica, and my best bud Lynn. We were absolutely inseparable; we did everything together, and whined when we couldn’t. Many a great memory with that gal I tell ya!

Best Friends Forever

More later!

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