Monthly Archives: October 2012


Poisonous words infect your brain. Hateful words bring you down. Why do people insist on being so mean? What do they think they are going to gain from it? You end up being like an infection that people just can’t … Continue reading

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New Siblings and New Beginnings

In the year of 1993, we moved to a townhouse closer to schools and the downtown center of Chilliwack, which also happened to be right by where my cousins lived. They lived on the reserve, but it only took minutes … Continue reading

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Little Talks

Don’t listen to a word I say, the screams all sound the same..

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Last night was one of my room mates birthday party. We had plenty of people over and it was good times or so I thought. My room mate helped me get to my room and change because I was especially … Continue reading

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Love Interruption

I won’t let love disrupt, corrupt or interrupt me.

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When you were young

So I have to rewrite a bunch of stuff cause the internet decided to refresh after I had gotten three paragraphs done! Well 😛 to you! Anyways… I don’t remember much before the age of three, but I was told … Continue reading

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Mo money, mo problems

I don’t understand how people can be so clueless with money. Even when I was unemployed I was able to pay my rent. How can you pay a large sum of rent, and now that its cut in half, you … Continue reading

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Birthday adventure time with Julie

Today I spent the day with my good friend Julie, who took me up towards Squamish as a birthday gift (she missed my actual birthday and this was her awesome way of spending time with me to make up for … Continue reading

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A lesser person would be broken and beaten and possibly dead by now. A lesser person could not live the life I have lived, just so far. At 23, I have experienced so many different things, both good and bad. … Continue reading

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Where is my mind?

From the Sucker Punch soundtrack, every moment in life has a song that fits it, and this would be it for me right now.  

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